Join us on Dalston Solar Treasure Hunt Fri 20th November

Perfect way to have fun while having an impact! Free this Friday 2pm? Hunt solar treasure with us in London- using 10:10's new app volunteers can locate and log roofs with solar power generation potential on a national database. Time to scout out this city's clean energy future, bring friends! The winner gets a prize.... 

For details and to download the app see below event link or 10:10's website:

DECC approves £19,935 grant to help Solar SOAS become investment-ready!

UniSolar will use the £19,935 provided by UCEF to kickstart our inaugural project, Solar SOAS. We can now pay a solar installer to perform some detailed feasibility studies to find out what the solar capacity of the roofs are. We will also carry out planning permission due dilligence, as well as sub-contract project management support and legal support. These will help us develop robust financial models, determine suitable methods to crowd-fund and make sure we're covering all legal bases too.
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